Monday, August 22, 2005


Where's the pictures you all ask. I'm sorry, I was really busy and can't keep my promises but I have been kidnapped by aliens.

There's the prove. No lah honestly, I have tons of assignment to pass up and I'm still in wards. This picture was the Threvallu festival which happened just outside my house.

In the wards, it has been a really wonderful week. My patients has been really joyous to be around with. Everyday is a blessing.

This is my first case I handled this week, her name is Mimi.

Pozzle was kind enough to come back and visit me. She was here last year. Energetic Dog.

Even Ultra-Man send his dog. His dog is a 5-6 month old GSD. See the light coming out from her eye. It seems Esmeralda(the dog) broke her leg. Esmeralda is really special. She seems to remind me of Wolfy. The have the same character. It seems that all German Sherpherds have the same demeanour.

Here is Esmeralda looking cute.

How's Wolfy smoochy? Here's a recent picture of her. She is growing up really fast and beautifully. Now she is 8 months old.

She's too heavy to be my baby anymore.

Here's one of the puppies which was left behind by it's owner. So sad, luckily got me to entertain it. Not to worry, soon it was adopted by someone else.

Beautiful isn't she. It seems that the pup is having too much entertaiment.

Now, I'm in surgery rotation. I hope everything goes well, a week more to go.


Blogger Fanfan said...

very entertaining once again Xerogravity showed his unbeatable funny things

2:13 PM  
Blogger ZeroGravity said...

What is this stock thing here? HMmm.. Thanks Juicy Fruiter.

9:20 AM  
Blogger pam said...

hey thanks for the compliment. ehehe..

anyway, seems to me tat your comment site is getting sum sorta free ads.. ooo hoooo...

8:52 PM  

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