There are days when I'm working where I am really happy however there are times I feel really miserable. Most the miserable times are due to clients. The happy times are with the people whom I am working with.
Some clients I am happy to see them, however some clients I dread the world not to see them. They are really horrible people.
"Why after your castraction my cats are still fighting?"
Imagine some of them expect vaccinations are like upgrades to their animal.
There should be a lesson in vet school on how to handle difficult clients.
Parvo dogs client are very delicate clients to handle. Imagine someone has spend thousands of ringgit and the breeder has vaccinated it, and still you're telling them their dog has Parvo. A bit touchy. Especially if the bill goes up few hundred ringgit, some times almost a thousand ringgit. However my joy is the puppies with parvo, just to see them make it another day breathes a sigh of relief. Most of them I leave their fate with god.
Another happy episode today was where I had an impacted anal sac gland and had to squeeze the living shit out of the stinking anal hole. The client was there the whole time helping me to restraint the dog. Mind you, it was an English Mastiff weighing 52kg.
BTW Cutie the dog with the fever of unknown origin has gone back today. The fever just stopped a couple of days ago. Two days before he was was looking cheerful and homesick. He was hospitalised for almost two weeks. He has thrombocytopaenia and some underlying autoimmune disease going on.